La Brigata Indipendente

Inclusive Halloween

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As soon as we arrived, we were welcomed by the warmth of the Pro Loco of Colombella, who finally met our boys and their reality in person. After the formalities were over, La Brigata immediately got to work, under the careful guidance of the Pro Loco, in preparing and setting up the tables to receive the guests at the party.

It’s impossible to put into words the generosity, affection, kindness, and warmth that the Pro Loco showed us, from the cooks to the members of the council, that we experienced and breathed throughout the evening. Their attention towards the members of the Brigata is always a sweet nourishment for the parents’ hearts and for the souls of the youngsters.

The 2 Valentines, the beating heart of the Brigata, move among the guests to ensure that everyone is happy and an integral part of the party. No one excluded (one of their leitmotivs).

A first pleasant surprise was the arrival of Federico Cenci, who spent the whole evening with us, animating the party with his optimism and bringing with him the affection and support that the Avanti Tutta Foundation has always reserved for our young people and the entire Brigata.

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The evening was enlivened by the kind intervention of 7 CERVELLI, who with their deeply Perugian humor and irony, knew how to entertain us, concluding with a hug to the boys.

Following Luca Montorro, who from the spotlight of countless summer concerts and national TV programs, joined the party with his perfect musical performance, driving the boys and everyone present crazy. Dear Luca, not only will we never forget your kind friendship and your big heart, but you were too popular with our boys (indeed with all of us) and now you are part of the Brigata. Get ready to sing for us again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

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The precise and attentive management of the timing by the President Stefano Monni (the real soul of the party) was alternated with the courses of food where the Brigata boys gave their support, serving dishes alongside the Pro Loco people.

During dinner, Mirko Tardioli of the Brigata introduced the guests to the association, its goals, and the importance of INCLUSION at all levels, making this a fundamental principle for the only possible future of a society that must consider the increasingly important presence of people on the autism spectrum. It is undeniable that the impact of this condition is on the rise, and there is no scientific evidence to see solutions or improvements in the medium to long term. The only possibility is to accept autism as a concrete reality to which we must jointly find a solution, integrating and INCLUDING these people in the social and productive fabric, taking everything they can and want to give (whether it is much or little), and not excluding them to the margins in complete invisibility, uselessness, and suffering.

The assessors Edi Cicchi and Leonardo Varasano intervened to give us more strength and hope for the future, testifying and confirming the trust of the Municipal Administration in the EFFATA’ project, the most ambitious and challenging project of the Brigata detailed on our website. In their intervention, they clarified how precious and important the impact of the project is, both on the social fabric and for people with autism characteristics. The Brigata deeply thanks Assessor Cicchi and Varasano for making us understand how important the project is, well beyond our vision, in terms of growth and development of social culture in our municipality. In one word, “INCLUSION”.

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During the party, we ate, drank, laughed, and danced together in an INCLUSIVE group, without differences. In the joy and happiness, we understood and demonstrated that, even though different, we are truly all equal (quote by Federico Cenci). New boys, girls, and parents joined the Brigata family, which is the most beautiful and great thing we could wish for from this wonderful party. Among all, we want to thank the sweet Cristiana and Elisa, who enriched the party and the heart of the Brigata with their presence, joy, and energy.

The event was also an opportunity for tangible and concrete support to the Brigata thanks to donations of money from the PRO LOCO, Mr. SIMONE BOVINI, and Mr. STEFANO and FRANCESCO MONNI, in addition to the online and liberal donations collected during the evening.

We can only deeply thank the organizers, the entertaining friends, all the participants in the party and all those who silently and freely support the association with their indispensable professional action.

A new society that begins from this beautiful INCLUSIVE party, upon which to build the future of people with autism and of the entire “civil society”.

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La Brigata Indipendente

Union makes the difference

La Brigata Indipendente associazione promozione sociale-aps si costituisce a Settembre 2021, con lo scopo di favorire l’emancipazione dei ragazzi e ragazze con disturbi dello spettro autistico o ASD e in altre condizioni di fragilità.

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