La Brigata Indipendente

DanceAut Party

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After months of contacts, meetings, preparations, and adjustments to the plans, we finally made it, April 2nd has arrived. The guys from La Brigata Indipendente have been looking forward to this evening for a long time, a real disco, where you can really dance… like everyone else.

The final preparations are done and we begin. The doors open, and we enter first. The staff at Sonora welcomes us as the stars of the evening; everyone is kind and attentive and has made themselves available to the Brigata. Alessandro Minuti, the perfect host, greets us, and for us, only the best. DJ Fabrizio Vignaroli starts with his art, and the music begins. As expected, the lights and volume are adjusted to accommodate everyone… it works! It’s still great, and we have fun even though the music is quieter and the lights softer.

Many young people join our Brigata, all with the right spirit, ready to have fun without judging. A wonderful evening… sometimes even magical, the goal of breaking down barriers and forgetting prejudices is achieved tonight. It doesn’t mean that we have solved the problem of the lack of inclusion… but we cannot fail to see the promise of a better society in all of this. So many young people dancing with our guys, having fun together; so many smiles and joy.

The vocalist Simone Mone sets the rhythm, his beautiful voice guides the movements and encourages us to sing along… how powerful, a true professional with a big heart.

It’s difficult to put into words this evening… so many diversities, all together, without exclusions. Many people have accepted the invitation, understanding that all of this is simply possible; they have opened their minds and hearts, had a bit of curiosity, and now they are having fun, just like the Brigata’s guys and their ANGSA friends.

The heart warms up in front of this beautiful show and also for the now regular presence of our Mayor Andrea Romizi and Federico Cenci and Serena Arteritano from the Avanti Tutta Foundation. They are sincere friends of the Brigata who have supported and motivated us from the very beginning. It’s so nice to have you with us, we can never thank you enough.

Time flies, dances and songs follow one another more and more closely, and finally midnight arrives along with tiredness; we are tired but happy and we promise to do it all over again… sooner or later. Many unfamiliar voices also testify to the beauty of what they have experienced, on a night that was so different but ultimately perfectly normal.

Heartfelt thanks to all of you who accepted the invitation, but the biggest thank you goes to all the professionals with enormous hearts who supported us without asking for anything in return:



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La Brigata Indipendente associazione promozione sociale-aps si costituisce a Settembre 2021, con lo scopo di favorire l’emancipazione dei ragazzi e ragazze con disturbi dello spettro autistico o ASD e in altre condizioni di fragilità.

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