
Inclusive Halloween by La Brigata Indipendente

It’s incredible to think about, but here we are at the second edition, who would have thought just a year ago. How much ground and how much work we have covered… and how many wonderful people we have found by our side.

Brigalloween is happening again… a little clarification on the name, which, as always, has been chosen by some of the guys from the Brigade, especially to distinguish the essence of our celebration from others… we dress up, we have a lot of fun doing it, at Halloween, we may be a bit scary, but we don’t celebrate death, monsters, or ghosts. Instead, we celebrate the greatest treasure we have… being together without prejudice and without fear of seeming a bit different… because it’s true, we are a bit different, and that’s why sometimes we don’t succeed as quickly and well as many others. But we are capable of doing things differently and, above all, of experiencing emotions with a different intensity… often stronger than many other people… sometimes even too strong to handle as well as you would.

It’s not always easy to be “us,” but it becomes beautiful when we have people around us who are willing to give us a little time and space with a pinch of patience and love… in a single, simple, and wonderful word: INCLUSION.

So Brigalloween is our gift to all of you, not to make you celebrate monsters and ghosts but to give you the opportunity to become different people… sensitive and patient… forgive us if we even say better… thanks to us.


… does what we can do seem insignificant to you? When it happens, we feel like great magicians because in the moment of inclusion, we all experience real magic.

Okay… enough with the teary eyes… Tuesday morning, October 31, after many days of preparing materials by our tireless Valentines to set up the fantastic CVA of Colombella, we finally gather to work to earn our celebration. We want it to be perfect for all our guests. We already know that we will be more than a hundred, but the final count is made at the end (and in fact, we were more than 250… incredibleeeee).

What an effort… bring it here… move it there… hang it up… take it down because I don’t like it that way. The Valentines are a bit too meticulous, they want things done well, and they have very clear ideas about what they want… well, it’s okay, work is work, it’s not just fun but also effort and commitment… that’s the Independent Brigade for you. As the Valentines always say, “We’re not a recreational club, we work here. No one is obligated to be part of the Brigade, but if you want the wonderful things you like, you have to do your part. We’re by your side.” Today, we’re building together this wonderful evening to give to everyone, and we’re proud of it. It’s us from the Brigade inviting everyone, flipping the usual dynamics of inclusion that would have us at home waiting to be invited.

We’re bringing in the tables for dinner… what a workout, they’re heavy, the guys are putting in the effort.

There are so many pumpkins, some enormous, our friends Annalisa and Domenico brought 10 (such wonderful people), serious stuff. We carve them, empty them, and prepare them down to the smallest detail. It takes time, and we finish just in time for lunch… well, we’re a bit late, but it’s okay… it’s worth it. You can already see the fruit of the labor, and tonight will be fantastic.

We gather around 7 pm to set the table and welcome the first guests; we’re already dressed up, and the atmosphere immediately becomes wonderful.

Dinner begins with the delightful dishes from the wonderful local community of Colombella, led by the super Monni in the dining area and Daniela, the kitchen commander. Everything flows in merriment… our guys help with table service; a few hiccups and maybe a few too many dishes, “but with us, you know everything precise it won’t be” (even in rhyme)… but it’s beautiful even so. Everyone knows why they’re here, especially the participants who accepted the invitation, and everyone is happy to be here.

During dinner, the interventions of the Mayor of Perugia, Andrea Romizi, who came to greet us, and the councilor Edi Cicchi, who enjoyed the evening with us, honored us. The esteem of the institutions fills us with hope and pride.

We can’t resist and start dancing during dinner… it’s too much fun.

Many friends with us… Angsa, La bottega azzurra, L’Atelier crescere con arte, and many other kids who would otherwise have stayed at home without being able to have fun. We can’t help but talk about an incredible and exceptional support teacher, who, without any obligation, brought the boy he follows in school to the party because “he would surely have enjoyed it”; how can you not be filled with hope when you discover such things.

Everything fantastic to the end, we keep on dancing even though we’re exhausted. The fatigue seems distant… for now.

Time passes, and like Cinderella at midnight, we start saying our goodbyes… the appointment is for the next PG COMIX, always in Colombella. For now, we enjoy so much beauty; the emotions that pervade us are so intense. We continue like this; the smiles of the kids and participants say it all, they testify to the real possibility of a better world, a world that is possible, if we all want it together.

A big thanks also to the Rotary Club Fortebraccio Montone, which supported us with the setup materials.

Now, the Valentines will dedicate their energies to the project “L’impresa della Brigata Indipendente” for the work autonomy of some young people in specific conditions of vulnerability.

La Brigata Indipendente

L'unione fa la differenza!

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La Brigata Indipendente associazione promozione sociale-aps si costituisce a Settembre 2021, con lo scopo di favorire l’emancipazione dei ragazzi e ragazze con disturbi dello spettro autistico o ASD e in altre condizioni di fragilità.

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